Fresh Produce All
Year Round
Cherry Gardens Organic Farm stretches over a sprawling 33
acres area and has six big propagation and poly tunnels where seeds germinate
into plants. We cultivate various crops all through the year to keep a constant
flow of our farm produce, in our farm shop Kent. We
adopt rotation of crops and we make sure that the soil retains its fertility by
cultivating fertility building cover crops like chicory, grasses and clovers.
The farm shop is always well-stocked with our own farm-grown
produce that includes a plethora of locally produced and fresh organic fruits
and vegetables, dairy products, eggs, meat, jams, juices, honey, organic dried
goods, ice cream and condiments. Like most local farm shops Kent we concentrate on
encouraging and promoting local business and community.
High Quality Products
Our farm shop sells organic fruits and vegetables that have
been produced as per strict norms and bio-dynamic standards set by Demeter, the
ultimate bio-dynamic licensing body. All the organic food that are stocked in
our farm shop have to meet high standards set by licensing bodies and they need
to be certified that they were produced by following all the bio-dynamic norms
without exposure to toxic pesticides or other chemical inputs. So there is no
scope for any doubts in the mind of the consumer about the superior quality of
organic fruits and vegetables. Here, all our organic products go through strict
scrutiny. We can assure you that all local produce in our farm shop is of excellent
Organic farming, at Cherry gardens Organic Farm, endeavors
to eliminate harmful pesticides and damaging chemical inputs. Hence, organic
food available for sale at our local farm shop is fortunately, relatively less
toxic. Organic farming prohibits the use of antibiotics in animal feed. This
helps to protect us from the ill-effects of harmful antibiotic resistant
Tasty Food Guaranteed