We, at Cherry Gardens Organic Farm & Farm Shop, produce excellent
quality organic
fruits and vegetables that meet
the standard laid down by Demeter,
which is officially the bio-dynamic licensing authority. Our farm shop has an
impressive stock of fresh homegrown products that includes a plethora of
organic dairy products, ice cream, eggs, meat and even homemade jams and juices
from soft and pulpy organic fruits produced in our farm. If you are looking for
organic dried goods or local honey drop by, at our local farm shop. This is the one
stop that caters to a wide variety of organic products.
Favorable Farming
We produce a wide variety of crops all the year round so,
that our local
farm shop is well-stocked through out the year. We adopt extensive
rotation of crops taking utmost care of maintaining soil fertility by farming
crops like clovers, chicory and grasses that help restore and enhance soil
fertility and health. Animal and plant manure-based stuff are actually used to
enhance the soil and improve plant health and vigor. The organic vegetables as well as
fruits are known for their flavors and quality.
Relatively Free from
Chemical Pesticides
Our products are in no way contaminated by the use of chemical
pesticides. We produce fruits and vegetables adopting organic techniques that eliminate
or drastically reduce the use of harmful pesticides. Research and in depth studies
reveal that chemical pesticides are often detrimental to health and may cause certain
dermatological disorders, respiratory ailments, birth defects, neurological
deficits and also certain cancers. Children are especially vulnerable to the
ill-effects of harmful chemical treatments and pesticides.
Rich in Vitamins and
Organic vegetables in East Sussex and also
fruits contain a lot more minerals and vitamins. They are rich in minerals such
as calcium and zinc and also, vitamins namely Vitamins A, C, D. Though micro
nutrients, they do contribute to your health in a truly positive manner.
Superior Products at
Reasonable Prices
We adopt environmentally friendly techniques and so our
produce is naturally flavorsome and definitely free from GM (genetically
modified constituents). The fruits and vegetables produced by this method do
not lose their unique flavors. We are known for a wide variety of seasonal
vegetables and fruits. You can now enjoy a whole range of fresh smells and
natural bright colors of vegetables and fruits in season that have definitely
higher nutrient content. You can now buy local produce at reasonable prices.
Easy to Produce
It is also quite easy to grow fruits and vegetables on your
own using organic methods and techniques. You can easily grow these, if you
could manage a suitable space and if you have a passion for gardening.
Consumption of
Organic Products Is Good for Health
By opting for organic stuff you cut down on the undesirable
exposure to damaging pesticides and harmful chemical treatments. You are able
to consume more natural antioxidants known as flavonoids, which are found in
plenty in organic fruits and veg in East Sussex. Research and studies have confirmed
that organic produce is far richer in natural anti-oxidants, than vegetables
and fruits that are produced using conventional methods.
Hi, Great post. I like the way of your writing. After read this blog, I am planning to start taking organic foods. Let me know how to find difference between organic and conventional foods. Thanks for sharing useful information. Keep blogging.
ReplyDeleteSathish from Organic Ghee Online
Organic foods have higher nutritional value than conventional food, according to some research, the reason is absence of pesticides and fertilizers.
ReplyDeleteOrganic Store Online Bangalore